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It’s another takeover! And today, I’m with my friend, fellow writer/speaker, and Called Creatives Co-founder Lisa Whittle. We are tackling why most women say they don’t feel strong, what it means to weed through all the competing voices in your life, and how to move forward when you want to hold back.
We also talk about the huge, devastating decision that I had to make last fall- and whether or not I regret it.
Lisa is such a truth-teller and we bring the heat in this conversation. If you feel like you’re ready to Stand Strong, but don’t know how to get out of your own way- this one’s for you.
We chat about:
1. How self-doubt hinders us from moving forward
2. The mind shift of partnering with God
3. The different type of people we need in our lives
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Favorite quotes:
1. When we begin to take God seriously, we will take ourselves seriously.
2. We need to think about God partnering with us in our daily activities. If he’s not going to fail us and he’s not going to abandon us let’s shift that and say he’s going to strengthen us. He’s going to give us everything we need. We don’t have to feel strong, we don’t have to feel confident, we don’t have to feel like we know what we’re doing everyday. but if we lean into him and let him give us that little boost to get going, and wisdom to know what to do, we will have the strength to put one foot in front of the other.
3. The only way we’re going to get strong is to make sure that we get out of our own way. Because yes, adversity holds us back, but I think so many times self-doubt holds women back and we just don’t start moving forward and do what God wants us to do.
4. We have this idea that yes, God will partner with pastors, or God will partner with people working in a non-profit on the other side of the world feeding hungry children but God works with all of us, and all of our work matters.
5. When we think about whatever we’re doing in our life, however, we’re living, whatever the work is that God put in hand at that moment that day it is a partnership with him because everything we do that makes this world a better place that helps people is fulfilling his purpose for them.
Links to great things we discussed:
1. Called Creatives
2. Called Creatives Book Deal Training
3. Tenet
4. American Dirt
Order your copy of Standing Strong here.
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