You know building your brand is a crucial step to crafting your dream business. This workbook is designed with you in mind to simplify those steps.
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The season of Lent is here, the time when many of us are challenged to give up something in order to draw closer to God. Usually people give up foods they know they should give up anyway. (Goodbye Reese’s Cups!)
But what if we gave up something less tangible (less edible at least)? For example, what if we gave up the crazy busy start to our day (if you’re looking for more inspiration on resting, we’ve got it for you here!) and instead took ten minutes to sit with God? Or what if we gave up binge-watching Netflix (talking to myself here) and spent some time pouring our heart out to Jesus and listening to him in return?
As you approach Lent, ask yourself, “What has captured my attention and pulled me away from time with God?” If it has your attention, it has your affection.
Friend, I want God to have my whole heart, and I know you do too.
Whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think on those things. Philippians 4:8