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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to throw your phone away and go live in a monastery or with the Amish for a bit? What would happen if you shut it all down and just changed your life temporarily?
My friend Carlos did just that, and he has a story and some amazing insights for us today! This is going to be so fun.
Carlos Whittaker is a bestselling author, speaker, worship leader, moment maker, spider killer, and hope dealer. Carlos is also the host of the popular Human Hope Podcast, hosted by the That Sounds Fun Network, led by author Annie F. Downs.
In his latest book, Reconnected: How 7 Screen-Free Weeks with Monks and Amish Farmers Helped Me Recover the Lost Art of Being Human, Carlos shares the challenges, surprises, and profound insights of his self-imposed exile from technology.
“Only those who believe they can make a difference truly change the world. This applies to big dreams and daily achievements, too. Optimism is a powerful force.”
“As you go about your day, how you present yourself sets the tone for those around you.”
“It’s really important to think about the types of people that you spend the most time with. You want to make sure that when you have a choice, you surround yourself with positive and optimistic people.”
“Partner with God. Ask God to transform you in this way, to turn down the volume on negativity or pessimism. and turn up the volume on positivity and optimism.”
“Don’t get stuck letting your emotions always run the show. When you’re stuck in a negative mood or a spiral, Do something to shift your mood.”
“The world is full of loud pessimists, but the world is built by optimists.”
Hope you loved this episode!
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