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Hey Friends! Joining me on the show today is author Wendy Speake, who is passionate about pointing others to Christ through the power of storytelling. She’s written many wonderful books on how we can help take back our lives from things that have power over us.
So it’s safe to say we covered a lot of ground in our conversation, including how setting healthy boundaries with both sugar and social media can lead us to a deeper connection with God and how the stress of 2020 has impacted mothers especially.
Plus, I’m sharing my best advice for handling overwhelm this season and the seemingly endless stream of information and opinions we’ve been bombarded with over the past few months.
Things we discussed:
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Favorite quotes:
1. God never asked us for a sugar sacrifice. He asked us for a living sacrifice. So we lay down sugar in order to feast on Him like we’re fasting but the whole goal is feasting. We’re taking a break from what we usually shove in our mouths, in our lives to say I want to consume you Lord.
2. The fast is so much more than a detox because we are lifting our eyes to see Christ, to see our people and then to see others.
3. If your device is your vice, if your device is divisive. It is separating you from God and others in real life. Take those details to the Lord.
4. It’s possible that when we turn to our pantries and our freezers to get us through our stress, that is actually causing us more stress.
In this episode I answer this question:
1. How do you not let information overwhelm you? (49:17)
Links to great things we discussed:
3. Behold Him
4. Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
5. The God Dare
6. Muscle milk chocolate powder
7. Mrs. Doubtfire
8. First Love
9. The 2020 Christmas Gift Guide
10. Standing Strong
Get your Christmas Guide here.
Order your copy of Standing Strong here.
Hope you loved this episode! Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! 🙂