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I’m with the lovely Whitney Capps today talking about raising sons, true transformation, and what it feels like to be sick of me.
1. The joys of being a boy mom.
2. How to avoid the transparency trap.
3. Why women have a tough time celebrating their own accomplishments.
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1. We know the things to do but we don’t always know how to be the person that we’re supposed to be. I can look really busy but it’s masking the fact the I am not listening and letting the Holy Spirit work inside of me.
2. I think it’s a really subtle lie that the enemy can kind of feed us where if we confess to one another, kind of the work is done, we’re off the hook, you know who I am. But it really cuts the legs out from under the gospel which isn’t just about transparency, it’s really about transformation.
3. One of the reasons we haven’t been growing in Christlikeness is because we resist the very circumstances that he often uses to change us.
4. Sometimes we get focused on the things that God is having us do when the things are really a metaphor for what he is doing internally.
5. Transparency can’t be just talking about the bad and what’s broken. It also has to be giving God glory for what the gospel does in our life.
1. What would you say to your younger engaged self about wedding and marriage preparation? (35:54)
2. Do our pets go to heaven? (43:11)
3. What’s the best business advice anyone ever gave you? (46:01)
1. Whitney Capps
2. Sick of Me:from Transparency to Transformation
3. Hamilton Soundtrack
4. Victoria
5. Tony Reinke- 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You
6. Zum Mist
7. Free Solo
8. Bethel- Victory Is Yours
9. Blissdom Conference
Hope you loved this episode! Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! 🙂
And a big thank you to Adrienne and Lindsay for the wonderful help with show notes!