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On this episode, we are joined by the lovely Audrey Roloff to talk about her new book co-written with her husband Jeremy led A Love Letter Life.
Audrey and I chat about life as a reality TV star, how to stay creative and flexible as an online entrepreneur, and how to discern the right season for our callings.
She also shares advice for young couples and how she and her husband learned to approach conflict in a healthy way.
1. Transitioning from Reality TV to entrepreneur
2. Finding your lane in the season you are in
3. Balancing work and family life
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1. At the end of my life, I don’t want to be known for doing 10 things just kind of okay. I want to be known for doing one thing really really well and leaving a legacy in it.
2. Our gifting doesn’t outpace our maturity.
3. We may be gifted in something but God still has some maturing to do in that area, or it just may not be the right time and we need to be patient. And even though we may be qualified on paper to do something or have the skills to do something, doesn’t necessarily mean that we should.
4. So many people spend all this time preparing for and planning an epic wedding but then they don’t prepare or plan for an epic marriage. The wedding day is just a day but your marriage is forever.
1. I want to learn more about body language, what can you teach me? (42:33)
2. What do you do when your spouse is saying no to what you think God is calling you to do? Would God give me a dream and not put my husband on the same page? (48:49)
3. I feel uncomfortable building a platform for myself but I keep hearing that I have to have one. Help! (54:47)
3. Phil Wickham- Song of my Soul
4. Sheldon Vanauken- A Severe Mercy
6. FabFitFun, Use code ALLI for $10 off
7. The Crown
8. Kristene Dimarco- Take Courage
Hope you loved this episode! Be sure to subscribe in iTunes and slap some stars on a review! 🙂
And a big thank you to Adrienne for the wonderful help with show notes!
PS- If you want to checkout FabFitFun don’t forget to use code ALLI for $10 off! It makes an amazing Mother’s Day gift!