You know building your brand is a crucial step to crafting your dream business. This workbook is designed with you in mind to simplify those steps.
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Today is Q& A day. Today’s Question is from Daniel. Daniel asks- “Alli, I know this may sound like a dumb question, but how do I avoid getting distracted? It’s killing my business. I mean, I know what I want to do with my business, I just seem to have trouble moving forward from what I want to do to actually getting stuff accomplished. Any tips? (And please don’t say “get organized.” that’s what everyone says!)”
Daniel, that makes me laugh a little because the first thing I thought of saying was, “Get Organized.” (So, I hope you appreciate my restraint.)
Truth is, I think your question is a very common problem for many people, no matter how far along in the game they are. Distractions are everywhere.
Case in point, today I lost 20 minutes because a friend texted a link to a video about sloths. Now I love sloths, but I don’t have time to watch videos when I should be writing.
That one tiny distraction kept me from getting my work accomplished. And there are literally hundreds of those moments in our day. Every. Single. Day.
Whether your blog is your business or it’s the platform for your business, product, or service, there are some practical steps you can and should take to get things accomplished.
Step One: Get Organized
(Sorry Daniel, I threw restraint out the window!) You do need a plan to be successful and to minimize distractions. Everyone’s plan looks different, but they all have some similarities. Here’s a great starter list:
1.a Set goals (annually, monthly, weekly, daily) and reverse engineer your to-dos
1.b Set work times that work with your productivity rhythms (if you’re a morning person, work in the mornings, etc.)
Step Two: Create an Editorial Calendar
Really, can I tell you how often I say this, and people nod . . . in an “oh-yeah-I –totally-do-that” kind of way, but we both know they don’t. It’s so basic, and everyone knows they *should * do it, but they don’t. Don’t skip this step.
Step Three: Batch Process Similar Tasks
Batch processing is simply organizing and working on similar tasks at the same time. When you group similar tasks, it also collects those tasks into one area of your brain and creates a super computer in your head. (Your brain likes organization. Here’s research that will make you stop multitasking. Multitasking is making you stupid.)
Batching changed my life. I used to be the worst multitasker and I was proud of it. But then I learned the *importance of focus* It’s critical!
I promise you Daniel, (and everyone else who struggles with this) if you follow these three simple steps, you will be blown away by how much you get accomplished and how much your business thrives because of it.