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Welcome back. Today, we are with the amazing Kendra Adachi. She’s showing us how to manage our time and lives in the Lazy Genius style.
I love it. You’re going to love it, and you’re going to want to go back and watch or listen to it over and over again. She’s just that good. There are so many truth bombs, light bulb moments, and great things to take away every time we have Kendra on the show, and today is no different.
Kendra Adachi is the New York Times bestselling author of several books and host of the nationally-ranked The Lazy Genius Podcast. As an expert in compassionate time management, Kendra helps others stop doing it all for the sake of doing what matters.
In her new book, The PLAN: Manage Your Time Like a Lazy Genius, Kendra offers a fresh take on managing your time. Using the memorable acronym PLAN, you will learn to Prepare, Live, Adjust, and Notice like a Lazy Genius, all through the lens of what matters to you in your current season.
“Live your life and enjoy this the best you can. See the good that is here right now. Recognize that you know now isn’t forever, but you’re here now. This is the season that you’re in.” ~ 10:16
“You name the season you’re in and what matters to you most. That is the foundation of everything.” ~ 12:35
“We have this expectation that every day needs to be the best day. We’re always hustling to recreate this ideal day, this best day. I think that just does us such a disservice because like there’s so much pressure, number one. But it also is like keeping us for being present with what’s going on.” ~ 13:34
“You need to stop putting projects on your to-do list.” ~ 18:34
“The Holy Spirit and therapy are the top two things that have taught me the goodness of kindness.” ~ 28:18
“We’ve got to have a foundation of kindness and compassion with how we look at our lives first.” ~ 33:20
Little Things Studio is a woman-owned small business bringing daily reminders of beauty and truth to your home and life. These thoughtfully-designed products are made in the USA and focus on the rich words of hymns and the beauty of nature.
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