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Welcome! We’re so glad you found your way here. If you’re struggling with anxiety, especially during these uncertain times, know that you are not alone. It’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed and worried when things seem out of control. Just about everyone worries about what will happen in the future. The thought of not knowing […]

Faith, Life

14 Tips to Overcoming Anxiety

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Let’s face it. Raising a family is expensive. Beyond the basic expenses of food, clothing, and shelter, there are the costs of extracurricular activities, camps, and the like. Sometimes, there just isn’t enough left to pay for fun and memorable family activities. While making memories together is priceless, it doesn’t have to be pricey! My […]

Life, Motherhood

101+ Free and Inexpensive Family Activities

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Motherhood is full of surprises. Most new moms go into motherhood with expectations: What they’ll be like as a mom, how they’ll feel, and how to take care of their baby. Unfortunately, her idea of motherhood and the reality of caring for a baby will likely differ. As a result, new moms become overwhelmed with […]

Life, Motherhood

32 Ways To Help An Overwhelmed New Mom

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This article contains some affiliate links, which means that I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase. There’s no additional cost to you, but I want to be transparent! Have a tech lover in your life? Then this gift guide is for you! I compiled some of the best tech and accessories […]


25+ New, Trendy, and Exciting Gifts for Tech Lovers (Who Have it All)

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This article contains some affiliate links, which means that I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase. There’s no additional cost to you, but I want to be transparent! There are lots of ladies in your life to shop for this holiday season! Whether it’s your mom, sister, best friend, or a […]


45 Amazing, Creative, and Timeless Gifts for the Women in Your Life

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It seems like we are a culture of people busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest, right? Life isn’t slowing down, but we can learn to be intentional so busyness doesn’t break us.  How do we find room to grow in the midst of a busy life? Here are some practical ways to […]


11 Ways to Grow Your Business Quickly in the Next 5 Years

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We’ve all heard the old but popular phrases: “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy,” and “happy wife, happy life,” but what happens when mom is in charge of making the home a comfortable space? Cliches are cute, but they aren’t always constructive. As women and moms, we have the privilege and power to set […]

Life, Motherhood

13 Ways to Create a Happy Home

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It’s no secret that we all experience setbacks in life. Setbacks happen when things take an unexpected turn, and we feel like we’re back at square one. These experiences can come in a variety of forms, including:  While we will all experience setbacks, our personalities and the severity of the situation will influence our ability […]


15 Ways to Recover from a Setback

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I like to be happy, and anyone who knows me or has listened to the podcast knows I will often deflect other, more painful emotions. As an enneagram 7, I know I’m not alone. Yet, at our core, we, enneagram Sevens, are on to something. It is possible to maintain a positive mindset in a […]


15 Ways to Keep a Positive Mindset in a Crisis

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Have you ever felt guilty for making time for self-care? Perhaps you feel selfish about taking time for yourself. Or felt that it was a waste of time. Or maybe you just don’t have the time to fit one more thing into your already busy schedule. In this article, I will discuss how to eliminate […]


Self-Care Is Never Selfish: How to Lose the Guilt of Self-Care

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